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2006: AWARDS
From Josh Davidson “Shadow Falls represents a breakthrough in the area of broadband entertainment,” said Bancalari. “As the horror genre continues its unprecedented popularity in the feature film world, it’s a natural extension to have a series created exclusively for the internet. We’re fortunate to have this relationship with The Horror Channel, and look forward to more programming of this nature.” SHADOW FALLS, from GunnPark Entertainment and writer, producer, director Kendal Sinn, is a 32-episode series (cut into four seasons), and takes place on a date sometime within the last few centuries. Each plot revolves around the small Midwestern town of Shadow Falls, with a population reduced to a prophetically-selected group. GunnPark Entertainment plans to include a special bonus epilogue that will be available exclusively on the DVD release. A trailer for SHADOW FALLS can be viewed at horrorchannel.com. Elite Entertainment has also announced that it has acquired the DVD distribution rights to the three part documentary series CREATURE FEATURES: Greatest Movie Monsters. The series explores the most memorable and feared creatures ever to hit the silver screen. Through a powerful and wide-ranging selection of feature film clips, the series will examine the limits of human experience and imagination. The three titles are “The Beasts,” “The Machines” and “The Dead,” and feature scenes from such classic films as JAWS, The Birds, ALIEN, TERMINATOR, Star Wars, THE SHINING, FRIDAY THE 13TH and PSYCHO. Elite Entertainment was founded in 1993. The company is currently one of the leaders in the restoration and distribution of horror, science fiction and cult DVD titles, including NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, EVIL DEAD, “Tower of Evil” and I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE. Other titles include the cult favorite “Horror;” a triple feature on the Masterworks of the German Horror Cinema, including the original silent films “Nosferatu,” “Der Golem” and “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari;” the “Drive-In Discs™” series, and the popular Millennium Edition series, including NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, RE-ANIMATOR, and I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE. Visit elitedisc.com. The Horror Channel is the premier television and internet-based venue for the best Horror, Terror and Suspense programming. By licensing classic and contemporary movies, specials and series from the libraries of established distributors, as well as introducing original series, miniseries and films by top Horror filmmakers, THE HORROR. Elite Entertainment/Shadow Falls Channel will become the network of choice for Horror fans, filmmakers, authors and actors. Visit horrorchannel.com. *FeoNote: Not to be confused with the real Shadow Falls, an all gay campground in British Columbia, Canada. HAPPY
JUNE 13 From John Urbancik And check out DarkFluidity.com.
From A. Lee Perkins The film, based on a sinister plot involving the gruesome disappearance of several priests who run a remote summer camp for boys, (and designed in the spirit of Halloween and Friday the 13th), has already become the source of much debate and controversy among certain religious groups in the Los Angeles area. Director/Co-writer John Gray was unavailable for comment, but did reveal (at last week's Fangoria Convention) that he refused to take the dark subject matter and make a more passive PG-13 version of the film just to avoid any heated controversy. Saying: 'We plan to keep this one dark, and true to form for the fans of the horror genre!' The rest of the producing team includes Lota Hadley (SIN-JIN SMYTH), and Associate Producer/Editor Travis Dultz (SIN-JIN SMYTH). Lee Perkins (KATIEBIRD: Certifiable Crazy Person) has locked on officially, and the company is in talks with actors Michael (Furnace) Pare and Bill Moseley (THE DEVIL'S REJECTS) to star. In the mean time, check out the official site faithkills.com for future updates. More news to follow...
From Theresa TOP TEN SCI FI CHANNEL SHOWS 1. ABOMINABLE 1.5 More news to report, the soundtrack to Abominable was released this week by Aleph Records. The 90 piece orchestral store is now available in stores everywhere and on the net. This is composer Lalo Schifrin's first horror project since his Academy Award. Nominated score for The Amityville Horror. "Abominable" made it's first big stomp at the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors in Burbank, CA. last weekend. They hosted a panel disscussion with the director, composer, and actors that were able to attend. Afterwards they all signed posters and got to meet the fans. It drew tons of people and it was great to meet the fans. Here are some photos: Stay tuned for the formal announcement of the DVD deal.
From Devil's Bluff We continue to move forward, and plan to start shooting this fall.
From Ed Peters Sam (Adam Taylor Gordon: CELLULAR) is a boy with big problems: he is besieged by nightmares (sometimes religious in nature), he cuts himself and he’s recently been released from a mental hospital. When he and his recovering alcoholic father (Brian Wimmer: A NIGHTMARE ON ELMSTREET 2, THE MADDENING, BENEATH LOCH NESS) are involved in an auto accident, they are forced to stay on a ranch owned by the enigmatic Ben Zachary (Henriksen). Soon, Sam’s dark visions become frighteningly real. Even Sam’s benevolent teacher (Young) gives no comfort. Amid the wheat stalks and horse trails, the dead walk, evil is everywhere and Sam fears that an apocalyptic prophecy might come to pass. Produced by Stephen J. Cannell and Michael Dubelko, directed by Don Michael Paul and written by Samuel Bozzo, The Garden is a provocative horror thriller about the battle for the soul of mankind – waged within all of us. Anchor Bay has harvested a bountiful supply of bonus features for The Garden DVD, including:
JUNE 9 DARK RETURNS On Saturday June 24th at 2:00 p.m. Dark Delicacies will host a signing for author Marv Wolfman (BLADE, DEATHSTROKE THE TERMINATOR, SKULL THE SLAYER, NIGHTWING, TOMB OF DRACULA, and more) who will be signing his novelization of Superman Returns. Dark Delicacies is located at HAPPY
HAPPY MARTYR DAY! CNN, of course, seems outraged. Their homepage headline today read, AL'ZARQAWI BETRAYED! FOXNEWS, is more to the point. Their home page headline read, TERMINATED MSNBC - all the news that Microsoft sees fit to tell at NBC - repeated the FOX NEWS headline, TERMINATED ABCNEWS had several rotating headlines including, INSIDE TIP LED TO AL-ZARQAWI DEATH, VICTIM'S
FAMILY: MAY HE ROT IN HELL, and the like. CBSNEWS was quite blunt for their homepage headline The New York Times homepage headline: LEADER OF AL QAEDA IN IRAQ IS KILLED The Chicago Sun homepage headline, IRAQ'S MOST WANTED DEAD The Houston Chronicle homepage headline was about a Houston artist who sculpts steel. As a side note, they also had an article about Zarqawi. I don't know what's going on there. The Los Angeles Times homepage headline called it as it saw it, AL QAEDA LEADER KILLED IN U.S. RAID What a great way to start off the weekend! Now go out there and have a happy Zarqawi Martyr day! And remember: Before Zarqawi found Allah, he was a brutal Jordanian street thug! Isn't it great how religion turned his life around?
PIGS IN HELL! What kind of air conditioning units do they use in Hell? Do they listen to Cyndi Lauper? Why have certain denizens of Hell taken to throwing farm animals through innocent folks' kitchen windows? What sort of relationship do the Lord of the Underworld and Hell's Head Torturer have besides the obvious professional one? What is Hell's official currency, and by what criteria did The Big Red Fella choose it? What nameless beast dwells in the flame pit near the hole to Upside? What is Upside, for that matter, and why should you care anyway? Welcome to Hell! Necro Publications presents THE DISTANCE TRAVELLED - Hell thorugh the eyes of author, Brett Savory (Chizine.com). Visit the unsavory Brett A. Savory.
From Dave Barnett Break out the surgical tape for those mummy wrap malfunctions. Fluff up the old comfy pillow, find a nice, sunny spot by the window and settle down with Dead Cat, Gerard Houarner, GAK, and sixteen twisted horror writers who enjoy playing with dead things for the finest Circus of Wonders and Miracle Medicine Show you'll ever experience. Dead Cat guarantees your satisfaction! Remember, Dead Cat came back from the dead for you! It's not wise to ignore the dead... With All New Work From: With artwork from: HAPPY HORROR THRILLER BIRTHDAYS TO -
A MATCH MADE IN HELL I'm talking about con artist, liar, fraud and darling of the über leftwing set, Ward "Little Eichmanns" Churchill on the one end -
I mean, just look at them. That dead eyed expression of a walled-off, completely locked mind, housing chaotic madness. "Oh we've just got to get these two kids together!" I mean, why not? They're both single, they're both nuts; a union of Churchill and Coulter and the circle is complete. What a great unreality show that would make! Just an idea. *It wasn't a tragedy, it was an attack. Natural disasters are tragedies. Murder is murder and rape is rape! HAPPY
From Sue Procker The subject of intense debate since its first airing and featured in The Los Angeles Times and Newsweek magazine, Joe Dante’s (THE HOWLING, GREMLINS), “Homecoming” blends zombie horror and contemporary political satire with chilling – and timely - results. Terror and scandal grip the nation when dead soldiers rise en masse to have their voices heard one more time during the Presidential election. Based on the award-winning short story “Death and Suffrage” (2003 International Horror Guild Award) by Dale Bailey and adapted by Sam Hamm (BATMAN), “Homecoming” stars Jon Tenney and veteran Dante collaborator Robert Picardo (THE HOWLING). From the DVD cover: JOE DANTE’S HOMECOMING boasts a battalion of DVD extras:
Feo sez: And check out the interview with Joe Dante at Cinemascope and Dante in The Village Voice.
START OF THE MONTH UPDATE As for the MySpace.comFeoAmante section of this website, these are the folks who became my MySpace friends for May.
Back in 1993, Joey Medina and I used to hit the open Mike stage at Laff's Comedy Cafe in Tucson, Arizona. During our day jobs, I was working as a graphic artist and Joey was stocking shelves at a local grocery store. Eventually, we both became pros, but Joey had a far greater love for the road while I got sick of it and moved on in 1995. Joey Medina has since gone on to star in the hit DVD, Latin Kings of Comedy and is now a headliner at comedy clubs across the U.S. Shows what 13 years of hard work and hell gigs can do for you! What's more, he even played "Ugly Bobby" in the Action Thriller, DEVIL'S KNIGHT! Visit him at MySpace.com/JoeyMedina6969. Ask him about Eddie McMcMc.
Christopher Treagus used to do reviews here back in 2001 & 2002 (ACCIDENTS WAITING TO HAPPEN, AMERICAN GODS). Since then, he's gone on to become a professional Horror fiction writer. Chris is one of those friends who was a friend before they became a MySpace friend. Got that? Visit him at MySpace.com.
I met Harry Knowles back in April of 2000, at the now famous Alamo Draft House in Austin Texas. I can't say enough about ADH. Nobody can. It was during the Phantasmania film festival where I first met my bud, Reggie Bannister. AintItCool.com was still in the early days, but Harry had been a movie critic for some years prior to the site (he even had a bit part in a fellow Texan's movie, THE FACULTY). He talked to me about my fledgling website, feoamante.com. He gave me a bit of encouragement and appreciated anyone who loved Horror as much as I do. Visit Harry at MySpace.com/AintItCool.
I've known Jenny Orosel for years, having met at pretty much every World Horror Convention since I think 2000. Jenny is a Horror fan and a published Horror writer (THIS IS THE WAY THE WORLD ENDS, NONE OF THIS IS REAL). In addition to being a serious Horror fan, she is also a serious Muppets fan. Ya gotta love that! Unfortunately, she's not as big an Eli Roth fan as me. Oh well, nobody's perfect! Visit her at MySpace.com/elletopo. Holy crap! I just realized that I spent all that time at the World Horror Convention 2006 and I don't have any pics of my bud, Horror writer, John Everson (CONVENANT, VIGILANTES OF LOVE, FAILURE). Oh well. John was a bud before mySpace, but that still doesn't cut him any slack when I go to review his stuff. Nobody catches slack here and more than a few have cried about it. John doesn't strike me as the crying type though. More of the laughing type. We'll see. Check him out at Myspace.com/JohnEverson. I've long known about Horror writer, Nate Kenyon. In fact, he has a book in my review stack. So when he asked to be a MyFriend, he was a shoe-in. Nate is currently promoting his novel, BLOODSTONE. Visit hiim at MySpace.com/NateKenyon. Ryan Rotten wanted to be my friend, the guy is clearly into Horror, and appeared this weekend at the Fangoria convention in Burbank. He also worked on JEEPERS CREEPERS 2. Meets all of the requirements as far as I'm concerned. Visit him at MySpace.com/ryanrotten. Kristy Talman is a published Horror fiction writer who used to write under the plume of Rainy Moon. Horror fiction, need I say more? Well, okay: her books include TIMELESS SOULS and THE ALL-SOULS FAIRE. Visit her at MySpace.com/AshliesMom. Jeff Strand is another published Horror fiction writer whose novels include SINGLE WHITE PSYCHOPATH SEEKS SAME and MANDIBLES. Jeff is also into video and will likely make a Horror movie one day. Visit him at MySpace.com/JeffStrand. Hailing from Ontario, Canada is Horror fiction writer, Steve Vernon. Steve's short stories and novellas have appeared in anthos and collections like, CORPSE BLOSSOMS, RIGHT HOUSE ON THE LEFT, and "LONG HORN, BIG SHAGGY". Visit Steve at MySpace.com/SteveVernon. Nate Southard is from my homestate of Texas and is a Horror Thriller comic book artist and novelist (DRIVE, A TRIP TO RUNDBERG). Visit Nate at MySpace.com/NateSoutherd. My bud, Kevin Klemm, makes fake corpses. You'd think that with so many real corpses in the world, such a talent would be unnecessary, but the preferable thing about Kevin's corpses is, they don't smell! Visit Kevin at MySpace.com/EdGeinCollection. Jason V. Brock is someone I became a MySpace friend with, after a brief meeting at Dark Delicacies Bookstore. The next thing I know, I end up listening for hours to him talk about his film projects, which quite honestly, are pretty interesting. Visit Jason at Myspace.com/JaSunni. More to come next week.
From J.A. Konrath Now let's get to the free stuff: Now let's get to the free stuff: Winning stuff is cool. Especially if you don't have to do a lot. Here are my current contests: CONTEST #1 - THE GREAT JACK DANIELS BLOG EXPERIMENT. Lots of people have blogs these days. I have one called A NEWBIE'S GUIDE TO PUBLISHING. If you have a blog, use it to write a review of WHISKEY SOUR or BLOODY MARY, send me the link, and I'll send you a free signed copy of RUSTY NAIL. How easy is that? You can also write a review of RUSTY NAIL, and I'll send you a signed copy of something else. I'm easy that way. CONTEST #2 - CALLING ALL WRITERS! Can you write a crime story in 500 words or less? If so, send it my way. The best story wins a cash prize of $100, plus their name as a character in my next book. They'll also win a signed copy of RUSTY NAIL ("Violent thrills peppered with hilarious one-liners!" - Publishers Weekly). Rules: Stories must be less than 500 words (not including title and author name) and involve a murder. It must be sent in the body of an email, with the header "500 Word Story Contest". One entry per person, the last day to submit is Oct 31, 2006, contest open to everyone except me, because that just wouldn't be very fair, would it? Get writing! CONTEST #3 - FOR BOOKSELLERS ONLY. This one is simple. In the acknowledgements of RUSTY NAIL I thank close to a hundred booksellers by name, because they each sold twenty or more copies of my books. If you sell twenty or more copies of my books, I'll happily thank you in the acknowledgements of DIRTY MARTINI, which is coming out June of 2007. Just send me an email and let me know how many you've sold. The bookseller who sells the most will have the villain in FUZZY NAVEL named after them. Several characters in my books, including Steve Jensen, Holly Frakes, James Munchel, and Steve Jurczyk, are named after booksellers, and I want you to be next. Thanks for all of your hard work and effort! I love you folks! Booksellers rule! CONTEST #4 - FOR LIBRARIANS ONLY. I've had over a hundred entries so far, but I want more. Go to my website and click on the link that says FOR LIBRARIES. That will automatically enter you in the contest. In November, I'll put all the names in a hat and will pick a random library. This lucky library will win a free visit from me, where I'll do a talk, give you lots of free books, and also give everyone who shows up to see me a free book. If you want me to drop by and shower your library and your patrons with gifts, visit JAKonrath.com. THRILLER edited by James Patterson This is the biggest anthology of all time, featuring an all-star line-up of bestselling authors including Lee Child, James Rollins, Katherine Neville, David Morrell, Michael Palmer, MJ Rose, F. Paul Wilson, Gregg Hurwitz, Steve Berry, and a slew of others. It also contains a Jack Daniels tie-in story called EPITAPH, written by me. Visit thrillerbook.com for more info, then run out and buy copies for everyone you know.
From Del Howison On Saturday June 10th at 2:00 p.m. Dark Delicacies will host a signing for the largest group of film composers ever assembled. Scheduled to be on hand for the signing are Composers -
HADITHA HORROR First up is CNN reporter, Arwa Damon, who gives her experience in the fields of war in Iraq. The next view comes from political wag, Molly Ivins who, in her columns, routinely despises American soldiers until it is expedient not to - like when she crocodile cries over their lack of body armor in an effort to criticize conservatives. The difference between an in-the-field reporter who is witnessing the war first hand, and a couch potato commentator who garners her opinion from headlines, is very illuminating. Oh one more thing: Molly Ivins column? Very easy to find on CNN - just two clicks. Arwa Damon's column? Buried so deep you'll need a shovel - or a subscription to their email feed. Without the email feed? Good luck. I was unable to find a link to it anywhere. On more thing: The New York Times, hardly a stranger to twisting a story to fit their agenda, offers this news item on the alleged Haditha massacre. Notice the photo with the story? As is consistent with the yellow journalism that is the New York Times, notice too, the tiny print beneath the photo. It reveals that the image NYT chose to run with this story has absolutely nothing to do with Haditha and is, in fact, a mourner crying over the loss of his family to a terrorist bombing. Hmmm. Do you read the NYT for your news? Pardon me while I chuckle at your expense.
From Rick Spears Callahan is most know for his numerous record covers, skateboard deck illustrations and most recently the Strange Detective Tales mini series and he more than delivers on his riotous punk rock roots in ROTTING IN DIRTVILLE. “Jim’s fiery, kinetic art just explodes off the page.” said Rick Spears Gigantic’s publisher. “With one look, I knew I had to publish this beast.” And to think it all almost went horribly wrong. You see, while attending the New York Comic Con Callahan ducked out to get in some skating but after a nasty spill in the skate pool he suffered a double compound fracture breaking both the bones in his left arm with three bones ripping through the skin. “You’re in the hospital and you want to feel secure, you know. It’s like ER right, they’ve seen it all and they will fix you up. But the nurses kept whispering and showing each other my X-ray and gasping. That’s not what you want to see. You don’t want to be that guy.” recounted Callahan. But fear not all is well. The arm is set, pins are in place and Jim is recovering. “And no it wasn’t his drawing arm you clause bastards.” added Spears. Meanwhile between the pages of Dirtville: Dirtville’s dullsville, according to bored teen Milton Bloom. And how could it be otherwise? There’s no economy, few jobs (Milton chops and sells wood), and the adults all commute to neighboring towns every day. And his parents are no help - they were killed when their house unexpectedly collapsed. But something is happening. When the adults leave, teenage gangs form, terrorizing the town. And what about those stories of giant, seemingly indestructible humanoid Martians invading Earth? Milton, like the rest of the Dirtvillians, thinks he has more pressing things to think about (like increasing his income to subsistence levels), but when he learns that what killed his parents were those Martian monsters landing on their home, he, his girlfriend Betsy, and the rest of dreary Dirtville are forced to react to this strange new war. ROTTING IN DIRTVILLE is a unique new alien invasion/teen angst epic that will appeal to fans of “Teenagers From Mars” and “Mars Attacks” get yours today! Rotting in Dirtville, a 120 page black and white graphic novel with a full-color cover, will be available from Gigantic Graphic Novels August 2006. From Tom Piccirilli Here's the synopsis for THE DEAD LETTERS: Five years ago, Eddie Whitt's daughter became the first victim of a serial killer known as Killjoy. Whitt never stopped searching for him - not after the police gave up, not after Killjoy began sending him insane, taunting letters, and not even after the killer quit his lunatic rampage and faded from the scene. But now the madman has returned. In some bizarre form of repentance, Killjoy begins kidnaping infants from abusive homes and delivering them to the parents of his original victims. In a strange turnabout, Killjoy becomes a media hero, a savior of unwanted "changeling children," and to those he once tormented he is now transformed into a benefactor. But Whitt's rage can't be eased, and his urgent search is tainted by his growing suspicion that, like his wife, he's losing his grip on reality. His daughter's dollhouse is filled with an eerie activity wherein the dolls act out his family's life as if the murders never occurred. In a fascinating exploration of fatherhood Whitt interacts with his other self in an effort to regain a part of his soul he fears he's lost. With members of a deadly cult on the loose, and other dark forces seeking to victimize Whitt and the changeling children, Whitt must balance his need for retribution against the possibility that Killjoy has truly repented - and find a way to overcome his enemies and his grief in order to rescue himself before it's too late.
From Anchor Bay Entertainment Drawing on the classic horror film styles of the 1970s and 1980s, Satan’s Playground is a visually dazzling, supernatural shocker chronicling an average family’s spine-tingling odyssey in New Jersey’s legendary Pine Barrens. When their car breaks down en route to a wilderness camping retreat, the unsuspecting travelers find themselves terrorized by a mysterious supernatural presence. Seeking help and safety in this desolate wooded region, they’re forced to confront a very real horror when the bizarre Mrs. Leeds and her equally unhinged children offer shelter from the unseen force lurking in the forbidding countryside. Trapped in a surreal nightmare, they must choose between the known and the unknown as they try to survive in Satan’s Playground. Visit the movie website, SATAN'S PLAYGROUND.
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