How Much Time do you have left?
There are
approximately 31,557,600 seconds in a year.
Which means that one billion
seconds is equal to about
31.5 years.
There are
approximately 525,960 minutes in a year.
One billion
minutes is equal to about
1,901 years
and two months 8 days, 5 hours 26 minutes, and change.
There are
approximately 8,766 hours in a year.
One billion
hours is equal to about
114,077 years, 11 months, 6 days, 1 hour, and change.
If you
are VERY lucky, you MIGHT live to be 80 years old.
about 2,524,608,000 seconds
you learned how to read when you were six, you still wouldn't understand
the importance or significance of this article until you were, at the
very least, 10.
If you
are ten years old (315,576,000 seconds) and reading this, you only have
2,209,032,000 seconds left IF - YOU - ARE - LUCKY, to do something good with
your life.
If you
are 20, you only have 1,893,456,000 seconds.
How fast
does a second go by? From the moment you began reading this article,
starting with the title "Seconds of Life" and at an average
speed of 5 words a second, you will have already used up 43 seconds
by the time you finish.
Good luck
with the rest of your life.