On the list of "things
that suck", we must now add the demise of drcasey.com. Possibly
the first and oldest Horror site on the web, drcasey.com was also one
of the best - the very best. It was specifically due to drcasey.com
and the original Matt Schwartz' horrornet.com that I decided to launch
In addition to having
movie reviews, news, and interviews, it also had great message boards
where horror fans could go, hang out, and make friends with others equally
After 7 long years
though, creator Casey Hopkins is moving on.
This is the news
item we ran on the subject:
Report by Judi
Sad news to horror fans, but Dr. Casey is closing his Cabinet. The following
message was posted at his website:
"After seven
years on the Internet, the time has come for The Cabinet of Dr. Casey
to close its doors. The load of maintaining the site has proven to be
too great and I have decided to free up some time to pursue some other
interests. I sincerely appreciate all of the enthusiasm and support
I've received over the years and hope you all enjoyed the site as much
as I did building it!
The message boards
will remain open until June 15, 2001, to allow a transition for all
the message board users. You can visit them by clicking on the appropriate
subject: Comics, Games, Halloween, Literature, Movies, Music, Radio,
Television, and Theater."
-Casey Hopkins
We wish Casey the
best of luck and thanks for a lot of good horror news!
I'm gonna miss you
dude. You were one of the best.
My personal favorite
moment from writing on the message boards at drcasey, gained me a ton
of notoriety. So much so that many visitors asked me to save what I
wrote so it wouldn't fade from the message board section (some sites
archive their old messages forever - but not Casey)
It all started on
the game message board. One of the regulars claimed that the "story"
behind the game RESIDENT EVIL 2 was true. Another regular, Nookie,
responded, and I responded to her.
Here then, is the
message about Zombies.
In Reply to: Re:
RE2 is based on a true story as
well posted
by Nookie on July 20, 1999 at
I just saw on the news that
a town was
attached by zombies. I hope this does not
happen to my town.
Posted by Feo
Amante coming from on August 10, 1999 at 13:07:40:
It is true! A town really
WAS attached by zombies
and I should know: I live in that town!
The zombies came to life
one night and on through
much of the day. Then they went about attaching
themselves to various houses and buildings
throughout my town.
Nobody knows why they attach
themselves to some
houses and not others. There seems to be no
forethought or plan to it. I live in an apartment
complex and not one zombie has attached itself to
I think we are being singled
out but I don't know
In any case, its a source
of embarrassment to be
one of the very few places that cannot boast even
ONE zombie.
Not that I like the zombies,
they are a damn nuisance!
All they do all damn day and all damn night is dangle
attached to houses, stores and even street lamps;
arguing about the after life.
You don't even have to engage
them in conversation,
just walking past them will do.
"The afterlife,"
they say. "Don't get me started."
Then they'll ramble on about
the subject until their
tongues rot and fall out of their mouth.
I tell you, you've never
been so happy to see a
maggot infested rotten tongue fall out of somebody's
mouth until you've seen it happen to a zombie.
So yes Nookie, the story
about zombies attaching a
town IS true! |
I posted this article/story
back in August of 1999. I found out on Jan. 5, 2000 that the Zombie page
and had become one of the most popular pages on my site.
To all the people
who passed through The Cabinet Of Dr. Casey, I wish you well. Great moments
pass through our lives and we all miss them and try to re-ignite them
into another positive moment. During its greatest glory, drcasey.com was
the place to be and it will always have a special place in my memories.
Thanks Casey!
