Movies E.C. McMullen Jr. Review by
E.C.McMullen Jr.


- 2011
Hawthorn Productions, Press on Features, Templeheart Films
Ratings: USA: PG-13

Welcome Gals and Goblins!

And a warm wet welcome to all of you Goblin Gals!

I'll be tracking the news as it comes for Mark Hamill's latest flick, AIRBORNE.

Now this is not a remake of 1962's AIRBORNE, or 1993's Seth Greene and Jack Black AIRBORNE, or 1998's Sean Bean and Steve Guttenberg AIRBORNE, so I don't want you thinking that you are about to see a re-imagined reboot or something.

This is a wholly original AIRBORNE as you'll imediately see by the poster.

The movie stars Doug Bradley from the HELLRAISER movies (you better know who he is!), but this movie probably has nothing to do with bored passengers passing the time with puzzle boxes.

The surprise in this chocolate egg is Mark Hamill.

Mark is probably best known for leaving one of the most popular franchises in cinematic history while it was still great! And before GUYVER he also did Star Wars! And after GUYVER he did one of the hottest video game franchises of the 1990s, WING COMMANDER! Those were the good old days before the movie put a cigarette out on the whole thing.

Red Eye


Looking back through Mark Hamill's career, Stephen King must have seemed like a good risk back in 1992, but not with Mick Garris directing SLEEPWALKERS.

John Carpenter must have seemed like a good risk back in 1995, but not with his remake of VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED.

These days? Any feature film face time is probably worth a shot for Mark and at least this one isn't made by Asylum.

Back in 2005, I gave Wes Craven's RED EYE all Five Shriekgirls because that's how much I loved it. I bought the DVD because that's how much I loved it. I'll soon buy the BLU-RAY because infinity.

As for AIRBORNE? I can't tell yet if I'll like it that much, although the AIRBORNE poster sure makes me think of an excellent movie...


AIRBORNE 2012 News

Like me you'll probably go cross-eyed with delight when you learn that someone in command of this picture finally had the blatant Wes Craven's RED EYE frommage homage version of the AIRBORNE poster changed from this -

AIRBORNE 2011 poser

To this!


Such a major shift in perspective! Who knows what AIRBORNE be about now? Oh, they also dropped Doug Bradley's name from the poster. Perhaps he didn't like the 2011 poster?

He's not the only one who dropped out. The 2011 poster credits Alexander Williams as the Director. The 2012 poster credits Dominic Burns.

UPDATE: IMDb credits Dominic Burns and actor Simon Phillips as the Director. Both are also credited as Producers among the 14 Producers, Co-Producers, and Executive Producers, some of whom are also actors in this flick.

JULY 27, 2011

'Airborne': Is That Luke Skywalker?
A new wave of "Airplane Horror" films are taking flight.

Airplanes are a perfect setting for a horror movie, inducing in many an instant sensation of claustrophobia. Of course, many people already find airplanes scary in any context; crammed in a metal tube with potentially dangerous strangers, hurtling above the Earth at incredible speeds, slicing through violent winds and storms, relying on the skills of a pilot you don't know and have never seen—air-travel is a natural metaphor for loss of control.

Continued at Filmsponge.

June 22, 2011

Will Airborne help Mark Hamill's film career get off the ground again?
Mark Hamill might have forged a successful career as a voice actor in recent years, but for millions of people he'll always be Luke Skywalker. And that will never change, at least unless he happens to land an iconic leading role in another blockbuster on the scale of Star Wars. Will that ever happen? Well, he's about to star in a new movie called Airborne. Could it be the vehicle to propel him back into the stratosphere?

Continued at Guardian.

March 6, 2011

Exclusive Interview & Set Photos with Mark Hamill for Airborne + Black Pearl Could Be Part of a Trilogy?
As Jon mentioned earlier, today was a rather exciting one in the life of HeyUGuys. Never in a million years did I ever think that I'd get to interview any celebrity let alone one that is of this stature! This morning, Colin (who took all these great photos) and I headed off to The National Space Centre in Leicester, England to interview the legendary Mark Hamill who you'll all know from from his film, Comic Book the Movie and also some franchise you might have heard of called Star Wars where he played a certain Luke Skywalker!

Continued at HeyUGuys.

This news copyright 2012 E.C.McMullen Jr.

Airborne (2012) on IMDb

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