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Report by E.C.McMullen Jr.
Copyright 2001 by E.C.McMullen Jr. for feoamante.com

November 4, 2001



Dear Feo,

I just read your response to the idiot who spread those hateful words. I lost 3 friends in the WTC bombing...1 was a firefighter and 2 worked on the 102nd floor of tower 2. It has taken me 2 months to pull my ass out of bed and the quicksand of depression and I too got a letter similar to that. I knew my friends well, I knew what they liked to read, eat, do. . .but more importantly I knew their characters and every one of them would be APPALLED by such crap as whatshisname wrote! Does this guy REALLY think his assbackwards thinking really honours MY friends, or ANY of those who's lives were cut far too short? My firefighter friend, loved his job and he did not see colour, but instead saved as many lives as he could throughout his career, no matter their race, colour or creed. Myself, I choose to honour those who have died, both here and in Afghanistan (women, children, etc.) They did not do this to us, a stupid, narrow-minded, perverted faction did this. . .and in the end, I may even lose a brother over this (Air force) who has a child on the way. . .If this guys wants to go and kill so badly, give him an equal weapon and drop his butt on the Taliban's front door. . .I am sure they could use the fodder. Until then, your message of unity not only honours my friend's memories, but also gives those who have lost someone the one thing that was shattered by all of this. . .hope!

Thank you. You are a good man, with an outstanding character!

Joan McCarty



Great editorial on the Terrorist Timeline. You make excellent points and your spare-them-nothing style was most suited for it. I must agree with your sentiments. This is a time to listen to the better angels of our nature, not descend to the level of those who attacked us.

Garrett Peck




I just read your rant about racist emails. I confess to having had a sour giggle or two from some of the stuff that is circulating. Perhaps the boys (and girls) who fight this war need to dehumanize the enemy, hence painting "Hello Osama" on bombs and the like.

Still, I'm just writing to say that I pretty much agree with you. One of my clients is dating a girl who hails from Iraq (but was raised in Sweden) and she is afraid to leave her house. I hope to hell we all remember the Japanese internment camps (if things get much worse with the Anthrax scares, etc).

What a nightmare.

Harry Shannon




I'm glad you wrote what you did. I just hope more people read it.

I'm in LA and there was just a case where an Iranian immigrant (who is a citizen) was beat up by a couple of assholes who had the brass fucking balls to have an American flag on their vehicle. To make matters worse they apparently "cased" this guy and followed him home.

I just can't believe the shitheads who ruin a good thing. America feels united for the first time in my lifetime (I'm 35) and these pinheads come along and mess it up.

I'm going to post your response on the bulletin board at work. Hopefully people will read it and pass the ideas along.

Frank Mondana




Thank you for those INTELLIGENT words! When you hear or read something that is based solely on anger, reaction, racism, and hatred, regardless of how much anger this attack has stirred up in each and every true-blue American heart, it has a tendancy to ignite those flames in you as well. Upon first reading Mr. Robb's message, I found myself wanting to agree, and stand behind him. However, after further thought, I realized just what you have said. Mr. Robb is probably not what I would call a "true-blue" American. After all, "true-blue" Americans are White, Red, Black, Yellow, Brown, etc... but with the common bond of freedom and respect. This is what Mr. Robb does not seem to have.

Yes, I too want to lash out and destroy. But, the difference is in WHAT I want to destroy. I DO NOT want to destroy life. Only the terrorism that is the cause of these actions. The terrorism that is the plague of our time. This is what needs to be destroyed. NOT PEOPLE!!!

Thank you for reminding me why I am proud to be American. RESPECT!!

It is people like you, who can feel incredible anger and hatred about what happened, but be rational enough to direct this anger and hatred at a target that is worthy of these emotions, that defines the TRUE American spirit of TRUTH, JUSTICE, and the AMERICAN WAY.

Again thank you.


Stephen Lee Campbell




I found the fwd offensive and it doesn't reflect my views at all. I'm one of the Pagans who brought this on America, dontcha know?

I waited to hear word of my cousin and his wife for 24 hrs and by the grace of the Goddess that I worship, they made it out alive.

I also have a daughter in the Navy in San Diego who just was told be ready to deploy in 12 hours. And a niece in the Navy in Italy who was taken off her flight training to do security until further orders are received.

I abhor the hate mongering things I am seeing in emails over the last week. It doesn't reflect my beliefs at all to kill innocent men, women and children. To me that puts us at the same level as Osama bin Laden and I would not care to be lumped in with him for all the tea in China.

I am now also seeing jokes in email and I cant find it in my heart to find them funny when I don't know the outcome for my girls in the Navy.

I know that at my other daughter's high school, they are taunting other Moslem students and it makes me ill to think kids could also be that cruel. Their fellow Moslem students had absolutely nothing to do with this.

I hope America learns from this and its the eye opener and call to attention that we hear for a change, but I seriously doubt it. I think there will always be a faction in this country who will with the same fanatic beliefs in the name of God, blame all the country's ills on those they disapprove of and all I have to ask them is; Who really is the biggest sinner?

I'm a peaceful woman of Pagan beliefs, a devoted wife, and mom and a retired law enforcement officer. I did not bring this down on my country because of my beliefs.

And I will vouch for *** ..he is a good guy..I know him in person..


*hugz* & *Blessings be*

Synnoveah J Cooke



Howdy, Eddie

LISTEN TO THIS! I'm glad that fellow wrote that sick shit, because it inspired YOU to bury him deep and send out your really excellent response, which will now be forwarded around and around. I received that message not from *** (who usually sends me stuff, but he didn't this time) [but] from an ex-military Texan down in San Antonio, and there was no comment before I read it. One glaring omission, a major atrocity he failed to make a joke about, was the 150 million (compared to the "mere" six million in WWII) that were killed in the American Holocaust. My wife is part Comanche and never lets me forget things like that. Come to think of it, though, we should still have those Apache Scouts from WWI. I'll attach a JPEG someone sent me just this evening of them. They would be at home in arid, mountainous terrain. Yeah, they'd get the job done, and no one would even know they'd been there.


-Dean Andersson




Feo Amante's Horror Home Page and feoamante.com are owned and copyright 1997 - 2006 by E.C.McMullen Jr.
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