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It's rare that a band
returns with a new album just a year later. I wish it were a more frequent occurrence, but understandly it's not. One of the last times
I can remember someone doing it was KATAKLYSM following SORCERY with TEMPLE OF KNOWLEDGE, an all-time favorite of mine. There were quite a few differences
between SORCERY and TEMPLE, to be released so close together.
So how does IMMORTAL:
DAMNED IN BLACK relate to last year's AT
THE HEART OF WINTER? I'll admit, I was surprised. It's no secret I'm a
big fan of IMMORTAL and I expected good things, but I expected further exploration
in the HEART OF WINTER style. DAMNED IN BLACK all but dispenses with these
formalities to deliver a much faster entity having more in common with
BLIZZARD BEASTS and even BATTLES IN THE NORTH. Abbath (guitars, vocals) and Horgh
(drums) return with new addition Iscariah on bass. There's more interesting
bass work this time as a result, and Pete Tagtren insures it isn't lost
in the production. Founding ex-member Demonaz once more contributes the
lyrics, ideas concocted by himself and Abbath (a process known as "mindtravelling
the darkest paths"). We delve further into the kingdoms of Blashyrk,
though this time Blashyrk is never mentioned by name. The bottom line
of course is winter and darkness; you can't be damned in black without
Take the fast moments
of AT THE HEART OF WINTER and mold them with the speedy technical sensibilities of the two albums before that, and you'll
find "Triumph,""Wrath from Above," and "In Our Mystic Visions Blest"
pleasing territory. The uncharacteristic "My Dimension" is an instant favorite as it
incorporates more thrash /death metal stylings; DIB is more in this vein overall than anything Immortal
has done previously. Horgh keeps some solid double bass work clicking throughout.
Even the more exploring "Against the Tide" and the title track don't
entirely forsake the speed element. You get the feeling IMMORTAL wanted to get back to the
studio quickly and prove that "holocaust metal" was still well within their
ability. "The Darkness that Embrace Me" has a more traditional metal feel to it, somewhere close
to Hellhammer though not without Abbath's fret scaling work. The clean
channel guitar work that was so vital to the last album takes up less
than a minute here, in the title track. Next time there will probably
be more, but good thing he uses it so effectively in its brief appearance
back to the BATTLES and BLIZZARD BEASTS days by way of running time - thirty-five minutes. I've gotta say I've
heard albums five minutes shorter than seemed to last longer. DIB is practically over
before you know it, and while less layered than AT THE HEART OF WINTER still gives
you plenty to experience with repeated listens. "Wrath from Above"
stands out as my favorite here, with its thrashy little build-up, speed-driven verses,
and melodic breaks. DIB is a triumphant return to the swift stylings of IMMORTAL
that were somewhat backburned last time, and should serve us well until next time
(however soon that may be).
This review copyright 1999 E.C.McMullen Jr.
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