LATEST NEWS May 15, 2010 DO I SHIT THEE? NAY, I SHIT THEE NOT Casual fans of DR. HORRIBLE'S SING-ALONG BLOG may be unaware that a game is in the works. Not just ANY game, but an 8-bit NES-style game! This wasn't just another half-assed idea dragging on the hem of a pop-culture event. This wasn't some one Twitter joke shining for a brief StumbleUpon moment before sounding its death whinny. This Doctor Octo guy is serious! He wants an 8-Bit Nintendo style version of DR. HORRIBLE'S SING-ALONG BLOG! Yes! As in the ancient days of old when the 1990s 8 bit game play was being put to a slow and painful death by the superior game play of DOOM! Still, there's a vast amount of love for the old 8-bits to be had. And so I bring you this message of good cheer. DR. HORRIBLE'S SING-ALONG 8-BIT GAME is complete! Check out the full and wonderflonium story of how an online short film, given away for free on the Internet, became a cash cow spawning DVDs, Soundtrack CDs, BLU-RAY, and now may become a freaking 8-bit game! Go to DoctorOctoRoc!
THEN THERE'S THIS In movies there are goggle-eyed Mad scientists aplenty. From Dr. Paul Carruthers (Bela Lugosi: THE DEVIL BAT, 1940) to full ensemble Dr. Frederick Frankenstein (Gene Wilder: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, 1974) to Dr. Frank N Furter (Tim Curry: THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW, 1975), even the labcoat and goggle wearing Evil Scientist in A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (William Hickey, 1993). However, in the late 1990s and throughout the 2000s, one of the most popular bands in the Los Angeles music scene was called DR. STEEL. Their show was a musical about a mad scientist, complete with lab coat, goggles, and gloves, who wanted to take over the world, but was he evil enough to do it? After all, he began as a frustrated doll maker who was fired from the toy manufacturer (thus igniting his madness). As part of the show and part of the marketing, DR. STEEL produced web videos to explain his daily plots and had a "Ask Dr. Steel" segment. In 2005 they appeared in full glory on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Eventually DR. STEEL was popular enough to be featured on MTV and have his own Wikipedia page.
In 2008, DR. HORRIBLE'S SING-ALONG BLOG was released to YouTube. What happened then? This. Fans of Mad Scientist Dr. Steel Plan Attack on Dr. Horrible Led by the Dr. Steel fan site ToySoldiersUnite.com, the group claims Dr. Horrible show creators stole the idea of a "musical 'comedy' about a thirty-something, singing mad scientist whose goal it is to take over the world" — which they maintain has been available online since 1999. Continued at Wired.com. UPDATE: July 2011 Dr. Steel retires from music Feb. 2024 DR. Steel removes his music from all streaming sites. He lives now, only in ancient YouTube videos.
This news copyright 2016 E.C.McMullen Jr.