You have to get up your nerve to buy an EP sometimes. Much as I like certain bands, I wince at the idea of paying over $10 for an import mini-album. This was no exception, but hell, if there's a band I'm willing to forgive for this it's Marduk. This three song release gives two examples of what we may expect on the next full-length and a cover of "Into the Crypts of Rays," by metal legends CELTIC FROST. OBEDIENCE picks up the Marduk style between PANZER DIVISION MARDUK and NIGHTWING. It's fast and furious, though unlike the former it actually slows momentarily. The other new track, "Funeral Bitch," displays how adept they are at playing slower, heavier tracks. This double-bass ridden slab features one break somewhat reminiscent of NILE, or at least it conjures a timbre not generally associated with Sweden. For OBEDIENCE the lyrics explore the realms of S & M (and that doesn't stand for Satan & Mephistopheles, despite what you may
expect from Marduk), with catchy segments like The CELTIC FROST cover is very faithful, straightforward and effective. As expected, the overall running time isn't very long, but it's consistently pleasing, and Marduk fans don't want to be without it. 4 SKULLS This review copyright 2000 E.C.McMullen Jr. |