TRIVIA There was also analogue computing at this time as well as digital Ternary (Base set 3) but these were industrial, prototype and experimental. |
ENIAC's massive vacuum tubes had only two states: On or Off. With the invention of Transistors in the following decade, ENIAC, with its 100 foot long array of 18,000 tubes, and a weight of about 30 tons, was retired in 1954. Unlike ENIAC, Bell Laboratories new, faster, smaller transistors (centimeters instead of yards) went binary because that was faster, easier and the electronics were smaller: Hand held small! You could hold the calculating equivelent of five ENIACS in one hand!
Within two years of Sony building the first transistor radio TR-55 in 1955, they invented the diode in 1957: An actual semiconductor.
Two years after that, Texas Instruments patented the silicon semiconductor integrated chipset.
The ability to take mathmatical calculations that would take a team of experts a century to figure, could now take seconds. The speed exponentially doubled every two years.
Was there a ceiling to how fast, powerful, and small the chipset could get? Yes, and that ceiling was the outdated binary system.
It's not that a quantum digital computer runs faster than a binary digital computer, per se. It's that it runs with more calculating power and less energy. The foundation of a quantum computer is that it is far ahead of modern operating systems which have to boot up and load up because millions of pages of code are written in order for the modern computer to do the current heavy lifting. Those gigs of info are always actively running in the back ground.
A Quantum computer turns on as soon as you provide power: like flipping on a light switch. It doesn't boot or load anything because its functionality is ready to go right out of the chipset. Yes, it takes Megabits more room (eg built into the CPU architecture), but it needs Terabits less room (eg RAM and Drive) for operation.
It's like this: Because binary can only be a 1 or 0, off or on, it takes a lot of them to do major calculations above what a simpler calculator watch can do.
For example, here is the single word Binary, written in binary,
01000010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001
You can see how, beyond math calculations related to math (word processing, movies, music, and artistic digital design - every digital non-math thing you do - like my writing all of this, are all math calculations to a digital computer), binary can get real complicated and confusing real fast. Yet it's (relatively) easy to manufacture hardware for it.
So why aren't we using Quantum computers right now?
None of your software, none of your files, nothing you've saved in binary bits will run in Quantum qubits: not your videos, Twitter, email, or Non-Fungible Tokens. It will take years of data entry for humans to move all of our electronic info from binary to quantum AND have them accurately translated and opened by whatever software someone will make to do that. Untold hundreds of billons, maybe trillions will be spent by the world governments and corporations, starting with the ultra wealthy early adopters first and trickling down to the consumer market.
Nobody is going to spend all that money bringing something to market that no one will use.
Quantum computing is technically ready for the market, it's just that the market isn't ready for it.
Market dynamics and consumer adoption would never apply to THE MATRIX so the concept of it running on a binary system, built to run optimally on mid-20th century transistors, is facepalm short-sighted.
Worse, there was nothing in the story of RESURRECTIONS that needed to focus repeatedly on this point. The majority of people in the audience (students, mechanics, doctors, lawyers, laborers, service) don't have beyond a kindergarten level knowledge of binary computing, why we have it, and why it works.
TRIVIA1. Yes, a SciFi Space Opera like STAR WARS can successfully get away with it, but only because Space Wizards like Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi introduced "Magic" to the audience in the first act and creator George Lucas made it the overarching dominating Force throughout the entire series. Characters in Star Wars don't go on and on about lightsaber function or hyper drive. We aren't even clear about all the Death Stars. But boy do they endlessly prattle on about the bureacracy of The Force! |
If co-writer, Producer, and Director Lana Wachowski had made the workings of THE MATRIX RESURRECTIONS,
"indistinguishable from magic",
that would have been fine with the audience.1
It's great if the science is beyond anything we know (like the mind machine in FORBIDDEN PLANET or time travel in THE TERMINATOR). It's when the science IS what so many of us already know: All of the millions of coders from hardware engineers to software engineers, high schoolers, college students, trade school engineers, and the multitude of various coding languages. That's a smaller but sizeable chunk of THE MATRIX audience: The hardcore audience. Those are the ones who watch, rewatch, and spend money on all the ancillary products from discs to games to clothes.
Earth computers cannot punch above their weight class (8 bit running on 16, 16 on 32, 32 on 64bit), they can't punch laterally either (analogue running on digital), nor can their base (the foundation of whatever computer language you are using) run on computers built above or below them. Binary, Trinary, Decimal won't talk to each other.
That's why printers still using 32 or 16 bit can't run on 64 bit without an emulator, written on 64 bit, that allows the 64 to "dumb down" to 32. Because the 32 bit can't rise up.
Which also makes Roland Emmerich's 1996, INDEPENDENCE DAY and the idea of 16 bit earth-bound computers hacking into staggeringly advanced non-binary alien computers even and ever more preposterous.
This article copyright 2022 E.C.McMullen Jr.
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Matt Jarbo's interview with Feo Amante at The Zurvivalist. James Cheetham's Q&A with Feo Amante at Unconventional Interviews *. Megan Scudellari interviews Feo Amante and Kelly Parks (of THE SCIENCE MOMENT) in The Scientist Magazine. Check out our interview at The-Scientist.com. REFERENCES Researcher David Waldron, references my review of UNDERWORLD in the Spring 2005, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture entry, Role-Playing Games and the Christian Right: Community Formation in Response to a Moral Panic (downloadable pdf).
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